the (a) list

The just about kinda sorta authoritative list of the top 25 ad blogs written by people with actual advertising experience.

I started this list out of frustration…there just wasn’t a place that captured the top advertising blogs written by actual advertisers.

I don’t really care about trying to rank them in actual numerical order…the order that the blogs are in currently is simply the order that I wrote them down. Who really cares who is number one or how the rankings have changed from last week? The point is getting on the list. I care about getting the best of the best in one place as a sort of ad blog canon.

In no way is this list set in stone…and not only because some lazy bastards will surely fall out as they move on from blogging. If you have suggestions, want to get on the list or want to rail at how bad the list is, please send me an email: dailybizblog (at) yahoo.

My criteria for this whole thing are pretty simple. First, the blog has to be active…and when the blog ceases to be active, I will mercilessly remove it from the list. Second, the blog has to be written by someone who knows what they are talking about (as in, previous agency experience is required). Third, content matters and if I, as self-appointed arbiter of this sort of thing, like it then you’re in. Fourth, you have to be North American.

1. AdPulp
The first ad blog I ever read, AdPulp is a daily must-read dose of news from the world of advertising and marketing and is remarkably less dry than this write-up.

2. The Toad Stool
Written by Alan Wolk, the Toad Stool is an insightful, thought-provoking blog that focuses primarily on social media and interactive and how they are changing the way that we advertise.

3. Adrants
News with attitude, a love of pretty girls with minimal clothing and dislike of Bob Garfield…is there anything else to this whole blogging thing?

4. AdScam
Scathing and profane as descriptions wouldn’t do George Parker much injustice, but they would cover up the fact that his commentary and insight are top notch, too.

5. Make the Logo Bigger
When you’re an art director you keep your eyes open for interesting and shiny things. Bill Green is no different and his blog is full of both (interest and shininess, that is).

6. Agency Spy
When it’s written by the lovely Superspy, it is excellent. When it’s not, it is still a place for juicy gossip and speculation about the ad biz. And who can resist that?

7. Multi-Cult Classics
Tackling tough questions about race, advertising, the mixture (or not) of both along with a penchant for biting satire, writer HighJive is one of my personal favorites and his blog is a must-read.

8. Dear Jane Sample
Canadian account gal Jane writes a blog that ranges widely among ad criticism, commentary on the state of the industry, advertising agency truths and personal points of interest.

9. Tribble Ad Agency
The advertising agency of record according to most search engines, Tribble is a good no-bullshit look at the opportunities traditional agencies are missing in the digital world.

10. Logic + Emotion
David Armano’s blog tackles ideas, shoots and scores with some interesting insights and has a unique and irreplaceable look at advertising and marketing.

11. View from the Bottom
Written by the anonymous Girl Riot, a New York-based copywriter just getting into the business, the blog is an irreverent and insightful consideration of whatever in advertising she wants to consider.

12. Copyranter
There are a lot of really bad ads out there. Copyranter tells us what he thinks about them. Hilarity ensures.

13. Ads Suck
Advertising never seemed so stripped of its glamour and yet remained strangely compelling thanks to the hilarious rants by the mysterious Joker.

14. Brand Flakes for Breakfast
Written by the guys behind Connecticut agency Plaid, the blog focuses primarily on interactive and a touch of what is going on at the shop and is far and away the best “agency” blog out there.

15. Advergirl
A Midwestern account gal dishes out advice to newbies, comments on agency operations and opines on ads and campaigns.

16. American Copywriter
People think about advertising altogether too much…but sometimes that’s okay, especially when you’re reading and thinking about a blog like this.

17. Where’s My Jetpack?
Insight, wit and funny anecdotes from a gig working at a very buttoned-up company by a guy who just wants what advertising promised he would get.

18. Useful Lunacy
Thinking about thinking and tidbits from advertising and social media by Minneapolitan Tim Brunelle.

19. Persuasionism
A little bit of the random thoughts on the passing scene and a little bit of plannerly-style insight, together they make the blog excellent.

20. Ad Contrarian
Styled as cranky opinions and advice from the CEO of a pretty big ad agency…the agency is Hoffman/Lewis and the writer is Bob Hoffman and the blog is excellent.

21. B Net
Advertising’s answer to CNet.

22. Adhack
Horror stories from the world of advertising. And commentary on ads and the passing scene from a ten year copywriter vet.

23. Ad Broad
She calls herself the oldest working writer in advertising and her first boss was a Mad Men-type, but the content is still relevant and the tone much more personal than most.

24. Adfreak
We all know Adfreak…and we all know that it’s a good place to see breaking work and maybe a snarky comment or two. Maybe.

25. Daily (ad) Biz
I made the list so I am going to damn well put myself on it. It’s one of the immodest perks of doing this sort of thing.

15 responses to “the (a) list

  1. Pingback: announcing the (a) list of top ad blogs « the daily (ad) biz

  2. Pingback: Daily Ad Biz creates a “top list” of Advertising Bloggers : Tribble Ad Agency : The Advertising Agency of Record

  3. I’d complain about AdFreak being 24th, but hey, at least we beat your blog. Nice list, man. I would also recommend Adverganza and our international brethren at Osocio, Banner Blog and Scamp. (I know you limited the list to N. America…just showing some love.)

  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I am certainly in good company here. I’d ditto Adverganza, especially for her Monday AM precis of all the trades.

    Mr. Griner himself writes an excellent blog at too. It’s fairly new, but very smart and nicely done.

  5. I didn’t make the list? I can’t believe it.

    My new year’s resolution is to make your list.

  6. Very flattering to see us #1, but the entire list is solid and we’re proud to share the company of all the other blogs.

  7. Hey, thanks much to including BNET’s little blog. It is much appreciated, and I’m honored to be included among some serious heavyweights. Would like to throw in behind those who recommended Adverganza — the Monday Morning Picks alone are worth the price of admission.

  8. Me, on an A-list? You know this means I have to make fun of myself now.

  9. Thanks for the love, DB. (It’s mutual, as you know.) Great commentary and list–I’d only add 2 that others have mentioned: Adverganza & Scamp.

  10. And one more. How could I have forgotten. New(ish) fave, the excellent Creative Beef

  11. wow, thanks! i’m so flattered to be in such excellent company.

    @Ad Broad – Creative Beef is on there, it’s listed as AdHack, #22.

  12. What a fun site – so glad I found it via @AdBroad’s tweet. This is a keeper list to work my way through, thanks for doing the legwork.

  13. Thanks for the nice words.

  14. Why the fuck am I only seeing this now… Some fucking douchenozzle didn’t tell me… Fucking fucktard… Hope this lived up to your profane expectations!

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